Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nuby Sports Sippers Review

As you all know i am a Nuby Mommy Blogger. Well its time for another Nuby Review!!

My kids seem to always be thirsty so I've got lots of cups. My son has always used a Nuby Sportz Sipper and it is the only cup my children will drink from. When i found the Nuby Sports Sipper Wheelz and the Nuby Sports Sipper Princess cups, i knew i had to have them!

I love everything about the Nuby Sports Sippers, but i really love that fact that the Wheelz and Princess cups have a design on them. A design that has gone though my dishwasher dozens of times and still looks brand new! I also love that it has a small enough bottom that will fit into the cup holders on my kids car seats but it is still a 10oz cup, which for my thirsty babes works out perfect!

Of course i love that fact that it is a no spill cup, which I'm sure any mother can relate too (Sticky spots just about everywhere, anyone!?). It doesn't just claim to be a "No Spill" cup like a ton of other cups we've tried, it actually doesn't spill!
 If your looking for a new cup for your child, i highly suggest the Nuby Sports Sippers!! You can buy them at your local Target or online at Amazon, or click HERE to find a retailer near you! Also check out Nuby on all their outlets at the links below!!

*As an official Nuby Mommy Blogger, i was given the above mentioned products at no cost in exchange for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.*

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